Incubation Empowerment

Brand Incubation Empowerment is a core part of our Branding Abroad program. We are dedicated to providing professional brand-building and development services to inexperienced entrepreneurs, students, and small businesses. We understand the difficulties and challenges these groups may face in starting and operating their businesses.

For inexperienced entrepreneurs and students, we will provide comprehensive entrepreneurial guidance and training, covering all aspects of market research, business plans, brand positioning, etc. Through systematic training, we help them quickly grasp the basic knowledge and skills needed to start a business and lay a solid foundation for brand incubation.

We will tailor-make brand strategy for small and micro enterprises according to their actual situation and market demand to ensure clear and competitive brand positioning. Our professional team will work closely with the enterprises to jointly develop a brand development plan that meets the characteristics of the enterprises and the market demand.


We will tailor-make brand strategy for small and micro enterprises according to their actual situation and market demand to ensure clear and competitive brand positioning. Our professional team will work closely with the enterprises to jointly develop a brand development plan that meets the characteristics of the enterprises and the market demand.

We will assist inexperienced entrepreneurs, students and micro and small enterprises to promote their brands in the international market, using various online and offline channels, such as social media and industry exhibitions, to enhance the international visibility and influence of their brands.

We will pay long-term attention to the brand development status of these groups and provide continuous follow-up and support. In response to market changes and the different needs of enterprises at the development stage, we will adjust our service strategy in time to help them meet the challenges and achieve brand upgrade.

We have a team experienced in entrepreneurial guidance, covering various fields such as market analysis, brand strategy and visual design. Team members will provide one-on-one guidance and assistance to inexperienced entrepreneurs, students and micro and small businesses to ensure smooth brand development.

We will conduct regular brand growth assessments for these groups to identify potential problems and opportunities. Based on the assessment results, we will provide them with targeted improvement suggestions to promote the sustainable growth and development of their brands.

We will actively organize industry cooperation and exchange activities to help inexperienced entrepreneurs, students and micro and small enterprises broaden their horizons, meet their peers and share their experiences. These activities will help them understand the industry dynamics and enhance the competitiveness of their brands.

In the process of brand incubation and empowerment, we will focus on the impact of technology and innovation on brand development. We will help these groups understand and apply the latest technology to improve the innovation ability of brands and inject new vitality into brand development.

Drip Dew (Shanghai) Education & Technology CO., LTD's incubation and empowerment services are designed to help our clients build strong brands and enhance their competitiveness in international markets. We will provide customized project (brand) incubation and empowerment solutions according to the actual needs and market conditions of our clients. Through our professional services and continuous support, we believe that more and more micro and small enterprises will be able to stand out in the international market and achieve wider recognition and success.

Ready to start your new journey?

We specialize in study abroad planning, career consulting, as well as technology incubation and website development, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals more elegantly and efficiently with our unique strategies and efficient methods. Let Hyun Lu (Shanghai) Education Technology Co., Ltd. work side by side with you to carve a better future. We are looking forward to working with you on your journey to success!

DRIP DEW (Shanghai) Education Technology Co., Ltd. has a global vision, a professional team and great strengths to pave your future with endless possibilities.
