Drake Capital and Consulting子公司所有权声明

Statement of Defense against Illegal Activity by Impersonating 

Drake Capital and Consulting LLC

10/14/2022 | Statement

Recently, Drake Capital and Consulting LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Drake”) has discovered that some unscrupulous organizations and individuals are conducting illegal activities through the Internet under the name of Drake, causing confusion and misleading to the public, and their actions have violated Drake’s legitimate rights and interests. In this regard, the Company solemnly declares and reminds the following:

1. The only official contact person registered with the Delaware government is Yang Shen, and all contracts are printed on paper and signed by the official contact person. The Company is not responsible for any false information published through other sources under the name of Drake.

2. Drake has recently discovered that there is a fraudulent platform “Next2Market” and “GoGlobal”, which are using the name and logo of “Drake”, and that the students are doing paid internships without being paid. We hereby clarify:

Drake is not responsible for any losses incurred by any person on any of these fraudulent platforms.

Drake is not responsible for any losses incurred by any person as a result of choosing the services provided by such institutions and individuals, and we are not affiliated with any such institutions and individuals.

3. Drake reserves the right to report any illegal activity conducted under the name of Drake to the Delaware government and related authorities, and reserves the right to take legal action against offenders and to pursue further legal action.

This statement is hereby made! Drake Capital and Consulting LLC reminds graduates to be cautious and not to believe any false information that may result in property damage. Graduates who are aware of any illegal activity under the name of Drake may report it to the school’s recruiting department, the U.S. police, or, if they have already experienced such fraud, to the U.S. police immediately to protect their legal rights.

Not to trust any unqualified loss recovery services or individuals who may be able to defraud investors who have already suffered losses. If you have any questions, please contact our attorneys for a consultation.

Drake Capital and Consulting LLC 
